The Django command allows you to quickly set up a new Django project with essential configurations. It creates a new project directory with the name you specify, initializes a virtual environment, and sets up fundamental components, saving significant time in project setup.
To create a new Django project, use the following command:
pras django
To access the Django command in the interactive shell, use:
Support Setup
The Django command includes setup for the following features:
- Template folder structure with automatic registration
- Creation and configuration of a default app
- Git repository initialization
- Virtual environment setup
- ORM configuration for various Object-Relational Mappers
- Django REST framework installation and setup
- CORS headers setup for cross-origin support
- WhiteNoise setup for serving static files
- Database configuration for multiple database systems
- Installation of additional required packages
ORM Support
The django command supports the following Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs):
- Django ORM
- SQLAlchemy
Database Support
The django command supports the following databases:
- SQLite
- PostgreSQL
- MariaDB
- MongoDB
- Oracle
PRAS SQLAlchemy-Django Helper PackagePromotion
Discover the PrasBridge, a robust tool crafted for projects utilizing SQLAlchemy as their primary ORM with Django. This package delivers features often exclusive to Django's ORM, allowing SQLAlchemy users to enjoy Django-style functionalities without needing to rely on Django's ORM directly.
Key features include simplified serialization, session management, templatetag for form handling, and more, all optimized to work seamlessly with SQLAlchemy while mimicking the convenience of Django's ORM.
To explore full documentation and installation instructions, follow the links below: